Resultado da pesquisa (5)

Termo utilizado na pesquisa Campos T.

#1 - Age related to the presence of antimicrobial resistant bacteria in twenty one dairy herds in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, 34(7):613-620

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Santiago-Neto W., Machado G., Paim D.S., Campos T., Brito M.A.V.P., Cardoso M.R.I. & Corbellini L.G. 2014. [Age related to the presence of antimicrobial resistant bacteria in twenty one dairy herds in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.] Relação da idade na presença de bactérias resistentes a antimicrobianos em rebanhos leiteiros no Rio Grande do Sul. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 34(7):613-620. Laboratório de Epidemiologia Veterinária, Faculdade de Veterinária, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Av. Bento Gonçalves 9090, Porto Alegre, RS 91540-000, Brazil. E-mail: Bovine mastitis is an important disease in dairy cattle due to its high incidence and economic losses associated mainly with reduced milk production and treatment costs. The use of antimicrobials to treat clinical cases and at dry off raises the concern of selection of resistant bacterial strains. This may also reflect on public health, since resistant bacteria, such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), may be transmitted to humans by direct contact with infected animals or by dairy products. The resistance of bacteria to antimicrobials has risen, in general, due to ineffective therapy. Studies in Brazil with non-random samples show increase in resistance pattern, mainly in S. aureus. The exposition to repeated antimicrobial treatment throughout the consecutive lactations of cows may be a predisposing factor to development of antimicrobial resistance in bacteria that infect the udder. Thus, the aim of this study was to determine the possible causal association between antimicrobial resistance in bacteria isolated from bovine udder milk and animal data such as age and lactation period. Milk samples were collected from 21 randomly selected dairy herds from Rio Grande do Sul, southernmost Brazilian state, from the target population of 1656 semi-intensive dairy farms, stratified by her size. The sample unit was considered the bacteria, and for the prevalence estimation a frequency of 35% Staphylococcus sp. penicillin resistant; an absolute precision of 12%; and 90% confidence level were used. Bacteria were isolated from composite milk samples obtained from all quarters of each cow after discarding the initial three or four streams of milk. To access potential risk factors, animal characteristics were obtained through an interview with the producers. Laboratory tests were done according to National Mastitis Council recommendations. A total of 242 isolates was obtained from 195 cows out of 251 cows sampled. The prevalence of animal infections was described in groups according to the epidemiological profile: environmental, contagious and other bacteria. These were 57.3%, 26.3% and 11.2%, respectively of the sampled animals. Antimicrobial susceptibility tests against 12 different antimicrobials were performed in 159 isolates. Altogether, 30% of the isolates tested showed resistance to at least three different antimicrobial groups and were classified as multidrug-resistant. Higher frequencies of resistance were observed against ampicillin to coagulase-negative staphylococci, followed by erythromycin to coagulase-positive staphylococci and tetracycline to streptococci. The logistic regression analysis showed a significant relationship between age of the cows and presence of multidrug-resistant coagulase-positive staphylococci and distribution of different class of bacteria, suggesting a competition dynamic throughout the ages (p < 0.05). Animals with three to four years old had 13.7 times more chances (IC95% 1.4 – 130.2; p = 0,02) to have multidrug-resistant coagulase-positive staphylococci compared to those with two to three years. Time of exposure to infectious agents and consequent therapies suggests a greater chance of udder’s colonization by resistant pathogens due to repeatedly selection pressure during lifetime.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Santiago-Neto W., Machado G., Paim D.S., Campos T., Brito M.A.V.P., Cardoso M.R.I. & Corbellini L.G. 2014. [Age related to the presence of antimicrobial resistant bacteria in twenty one dairy herds in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.] Relação da idade na presença de bactérias resistentes a antimicrobianos em rebanhos leiteiros no Rio Grande do Sul. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 34(7):613-620. Laboratório de Epidemiologia Veterinária, Faculdade de Veterinária, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Av. Bento Gonçalves 9090, Porto Alegre, RS 91540-000, Brazil. E-mail: A mastite bovina é uma doença importante na bovinocultura de leite, devido à sua alta incidência e perdas econômicas associadas principalmente com a produção de leite reduzida e aos custos do tratamento. O uso de antimicrobianos para o tratamento de casos clínicos e no período seco tem levantado preocupações quanto à seleção de cepas bacterianas resistentes. Isso também pode refletir na saúde pública, uma vez que bactérias resistentes, como o Staphylococcus aureus meticilina-resistente (MRSA), podem ser transmitidas aos seres humanos por contato direto com animais infectados ou produtos lácteos. A resistência das bactérias aos agentes antimicrobianos aumentou, em geral, devido a tratamentos ineficazes. Estudos realizados no Brasil com amostras não planejadas mostram aumento no padrão de resistência, principalmente em S. aureus. A exposição ao tratamento antimicrobiano repetido ao longo das lactações consecutivas de vacas pode ser um fator predisponente para o desenvolvimento da resistência antimicrobiana em bactérias que infectam o úbere. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a possível associação causal entre resistência antimicrobiana em bactérias isoladas a partir do leite bovino e dados como idade e período de lactação. As amostras de leite foram coletadas de 21 rebanhos leiteiros do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, selecionados aleatoriamente a partir da população-alvo de 1.656 explorações leiteiras semi-intensivas, estratificada por tamanho do rebanho. A bactéria foi considerada a unidade amostral, e para a estimativa de prevalência foram utilizados os seguintes parâmetros: uma frequência de 35% de Staphylococcus sp. resistentes à penicilina; um nível de confiança de 90%; e uma precisão absoluta de 12%. As bactérias foram isoladas de amostras de leite compostas de todos os quartos mamários de cada vaca após descartar os primeiros três ou quatro jatos de leite. Para acessar os potenciais fatores de risco, características dos animais foram obtidas através de uma entrevista com os produtores. Os exames laboratoriais foram realizados de acordo com as recomendações do National Mastitis Council. Um total de 242 isolados foi obtido de 195 vacas a partir da amostra do rebanho total (251 vacas). A prevalência de infecções foi descrita em grupos de acordo com o perfil epidemiológico: bactérias ambientais, contagiosas e outras. Estas perfizeram 57,3%, 26,3% e 11,2%, respectivamente, dos animais amostrados. Testes de suscetibilidade antimicrobiana contra 12 diferentes antimicrobianos foram realizados em 159 isolados. No total, 30% dos isolados testados mostraram resistência a pelo menos três grupos diferentes de antimicrobianos e foram classificados como multirresistentes. Foram observadas as freqüências mais elevadas de resistência contra a ampicilina para os estafilococos coagulase-negativo, seguida de eritromicina para estafilococos coagulase-positivo e tetraciclina para estreptococos. A análise de regressão logística mostrou uma relação significativa entre a idade das vacas e a presença de estafilococos coagulase-positivo multirresistentes e distribuição de classes diferentes de bactérias nos diferentes estratos etários, o que sugere uma concorrência dinâmica ao longo do tempo (p < 0,05). Animais com três a quatro anos tiveram 13,7 vezes mais chances (IC95% 1,4 – 130,2, p = 0,02) de ter estafilococos coagulase-positivo multirresistentes em comparação com aqueles com dois ou três anos. O tempo de exposição a agentes infecciosos e consequentes terapias sugere uma maior chance de colonização do úbere por patógenos resistentes devido à pressão de seleção repetida durante a vida.

#2 - Virulence factors of avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC), p.479-486

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Nakazato G., Campos T.A., Stehling E.G., Brocchi M. & Silveira W.D. 2009. Virulence factors of avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(7):479-486. Departamento de Microbiologia e Imunologia, Instituto de Biologia, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), Cidade Universitária Zeferino Vaz s/n, Cx. Postal 6109, Barão Geraldo, Campinas, SP 13081-862, Brazil. E-mail: Avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) strains cause a great diversity of diseases in birds and are responsible for great economic losses in the avian industry. To date, several studies have been carried out to better understand the APEC pathogenesis for a possible development of tools which could prevent the economics losses caused by these strains. This review discusses the virulence factors described do date to be expressed by these strains and the advances made to understand and identify virulence determinants present in APEC.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Nakazato G., Campos T.A., Stehling E.G., Brocchi M. & Silveira W.D. 2009. Virulence factors of avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC). [Fatores de virulência de Escherichia coli aviária patogênica (APEC).] Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(7):479-486. Departamento de Microbiologia e Imunologia, Instituto de Biologia, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), Cidade Universitária Zeferino Vaz s/n, Cx. Postal 6109, Barão Geraldo, Campinas, SP 13081-862, Brazil. E-mail: Linhagens de Escherichia coli patogênicas para aves (APEC) causam uma grande diversidade de doenças em aves e são responsáveis por grandes prejuízos na indústria aviária. Nos últimos anos, vários estudos foram realizados para melhor entender a patogênese de linhagens APEC e para desenvolver ferramentas que podem prevenir as perdas econômicas causadas por estas linhagens. Esta revisão discute os fatores de virulência descritos nestas linhagens e os avanços realizados para entender e identificar os determinantes de virulência presentes em APEC.

#3 - Clonal study of avian Escherichia coli strains by fliC conserved-DNA-sequence regions analysis, p.508-514

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Campos T.A., Nakazato G., Stehling E.G., Brocchi M. & Silveira W.D. 2008. Clonal study of avian Escherichia coli strains by fliC conserved-DNA-sequence regions analysis. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(10):508-514. Departamento de Microbiologia e Imunologia, Instituto de Biologia, Cx. Postal 6109, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Cidade Universitária Zeferino Vaz s/n, Barão Geraldo, Campinas, SP 3081-862, Brazil. *Corresponding author: The clonal relationship among avian Escherichia coli strains and their genetic proximity with human pathogenic E. coli, Salmonela enterica, Yersinia enterocolitica and Proteus mirabilis, was determined by the DNA sequencing of the conserved 5’ and 3’regions fliC gene (flagellin encoded gene). Among 30 commensal avian E. coli strains and 49 pathogenic avian E. coli strains (APEC), 24 commensal and 39 APEC strains harbored fliC gene with fragments size varying from 670bp to 1,900bp. The comparative analysis of these regions allowed the construction of a dendrogram of similarity possessing two main clusters: one compounded mainly by APEC strains and by H-antigens from human E. coli, and another one compounded by commensal avian E. coli strains, S. enterica, and by other H-antigens from human E. coli. Overall, this work demonstrated that fliC conserved regions may be associated with pathogenic clones of APEC strains, and also shows a great similarity among APEC and H-antigens of E. coli strains isolated from humans. These data, can add evidence that APEC strains can exhibit a zoonotic risk.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Campos T.A., Nakazato G., Stehling E.G., Brocchi M. & Silveira W.D. 2008. Clonal study of avian Escherichia coli strains by fliC conserved-DNA-sequence regions analysis. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(10):508-514. Departamento de Microbiologia e Imunologia, Instituto de Biologia, Cx. Postal 6109, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Cidade Universitária Zeferino Vaz s/n, Barão Geraldo, Campinas, SP 3081-862, Brazil. *Corresponding author: The clonal relationship among avian Escherichia coli strains and their genetic proximity with human pathogenic E. coli, Salmonela enterica, Yersinia enterocolitica and Proteus mirabilis, was determined by the DNA sequencing of the conserved 5’ and 3’regions fliC gene (flagellin encoded gene). Among 30 commensal avian E. coli strains and 49 pathogenic avian E. coli strains (APEC), 24 commensal and 39 APEC strains harbored fliC gene with fragments size varying from 670bp to 1,900bp. The comparative analysis of these regions allowed the construction of a dendrogram of similarity possessing two main clusters: one compounded mainly by APEC strains and by H-antigens from human E. coli, and another one compounded by commensal avian E. coli strains, S. enterica, and by other H-antigens from human E. coli. Overall, this work demonstrated that fliC conserved regions may be associated with pathogenic clones of APEC strains, and also shows a great similarity among APEC and H-antigens of E. coli strains isolated from humans. These data, can add evidence that APEC strains can exhibit a zoonotic risk.

#4 - Occurrence of virulence-related sequences and phylogenetic analysis of commensal and pathogenic avian Escherichia coli strains (APEC), p.533-540

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Campos T.A., Lago J.C., Nakazato G., Stehling E.G., Brocchi M., Castro A.F.P. & Silveira W.D. 2008. Occurrence of virulence-related sequences and phylogenetic analysis of commensal and pathogenic avian Escherichia coli strains (APEC). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(10):533-540. Departamento de Microbiologia e Immunologia, Instituto de Biologia, Unicamp, Cidade Universitrária Zeferino Vaz s/n, Campinas, SP 13081-862, Brazil. E-mail: The presence of iron uptake (irp-2, fyuA, sitA, fepC, iucA), adhesion (iha, lpfAO157/O141, lpfAO157/O154, efa, toxB) and invasion (inv, ial-related DNA sequences and assignment to the four main Escherichia coli phylogenetic groups (A, B1, B2 e D) were determined in 30 commensal E. coli strains isolated from healthy chickens and in 49 APEC strains isolated from chickens presenting clinical signs of septicemia (n=24) swollen head syndrome (n=14) and omphalitis (n=11) by PCR. None of the strains presented DNA sequences related to the inv, ial, efa, and toxB genes. DNA sequences related to lpfAO157/O154, iucA, fepC, and irp-2 genes were significantly found among pathogenic strains, where iucA gene was associated with septicemia and swollen head syndrome and fepC and irp-2 genes were associated with swollen head syndrome strains. Phylogenetic typing showed that commensal and omphalitis strains belonged mainly to phylogenetic Group A and swollen head syndrome to phylogenetic Group D. Septicemic strains were assigned in phylogenetic Groups A and D. These data could suggest that clonal lineage of septicemic APEC strains have a multiple ancestor origin; one from a pathogenic bacteria ancestor and other from a non-pathogenic ancestor that evolved by the acquisition of virulence related sequences through horizontal gene transfer. Swollen head syndrome may constitute a pathogenic clonal group. By the other side, omphalitis strains probably constitute a non-pathogenic clonal group, and could cause omphalitis as an opportunistic infection. The sharing of virulence related sequences by human pathogenic E. coli and APEC strains could indicate that APEC strains could be a source of virulence genes to human strains and could represent a zoonotic risk.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Campos T.A., Lago J.C., Nakazato G., Stehling E.G., Brocchi M., Castro A.F.P. & Silveira W.D. 2008. Occurrence of virulence-related sequences and phylogenetic analysis of commensal and pathogenic avian Escherichia coli strains (APEC). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(10):533-540. Departamento de Microbiologia e Immunologia, Instituto de Biologia, Unicamp, Cidade Universitrária Zeferino Vaz s/n, Campinas, SP 13081-862, Brazil. E-mail: The presence of iron uptake (irp-2, fyuA, sitA, fepC, iucA), adhesion (iha, lpfAO157/O141, lpfAO157/O154, efa, toxB) and invasion (inv, ial-related DNA sequences and assignment to the four main Escherichia coli phylogenetic groups (A, B1, B2 e D) were determined in 30 commensal E. coli strains isolated from healthy chickens and in 49 APEC strains isolated from chickens presenting clinical signs of septicemia (n=24) swollen head syndrome (n=14) and omphalitis (n=11) by PCR. None of the strains presented DNA sequences related to the inv, ial, efa, and toxB genes. DNA sequences related to lpfAO157/O154, iucA, fepC, and irp-2 genes were significantly found among pathogenic strains, where iucA gene was associated with septicemia and swollen head syndrome and fepC and irp-2 genes were associated with swollen head syndrome strains. Phylogenetic typing showed that commensal and omphalitis strains belonged mainly to phylogenetic Group A and swollen head syndrome to phylogenetic Group D. Septicemic strains were assigned in phylogenetic Groups A and D. These data could suggest that clonal lineage of septicemic APEC strains have a multiple ancestor origin; one from a pathogenic bacteria ancestor and other from a non-pathogenic ancestor that evolved by the acquisition of virulence related sequences through horizontal gene transfer. Swollen head syndrome may constitute a pathogenic clonal group. By the other side, omphalitis strains probably constitute a non-pathogenic clonal group, and could cause omphalitis as an opportunistic infection. The sharing of virulence related sequences by human pathogenic E. coli and APEC strains could indicate that APEC strains could be a source of virulence genes to human strains and could represent a zoonotic risk.

#5 - Typing of avian pathogenic Escherichia coli strains by REP-PCR

Abstract in English:

Abstract.- Brocchi M., Ferreira A., Lancellotti M., Stehling E.G., Campos T.A., Nakazato G., Pestana de Castro A.F. & Silveira W.D. 2006. Typing of avian pathogenic Escherichia coli strains by REP-PCR. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 26(2):69-73. Departamento de Microbiologia e Imunologia, Instituto de Biologia, Universidade de Campinas, Cx. Postal 6109, Campinas, SP 13081-862, Brazil. E-mail: In the present study the repetitive extragenic palindromic (REP) polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique was used to establish the clonal variability of 49 avian Escherichia coli (APEC) strains isolated from different outbreak cases of septicemia (n=24), swollen head syndrome (n=14) and omphalitis (n=11). Thirty commensal strains isolated from poultry with no signs of these illnesses were used as control strains. The purified DNA of these strains produced electrophoretic profiles ranging from 0 to 15 bands with molecular sizes varying from 100 bp to 6.1 kb, allowing the grouping of the 79 strains into a dendrogram containing 49 REP-types. Although REP-PCR showed good discriminating power it was not able to group the strains either into specific pathogenic classes or to differentiate between pathogenic and non-pathogenic strains. On the contrary, we recently demonstrated that other techniques such as ERIC-PCR and isoenzyme profiles are appropriate to discriminate between commensal and APEC strains and also to group these strains into specific pathogenic classes. In conclusion, REP-PCR seems to be a technique neither efficient nor universal for APEC strains discrimination. However, the population clonal structure obtained with the use of REP-PCR must not be ignored particularly if one takes into account that the APEC pathogenic mechanisms are not completely understood yet.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Abstract.- Brocchi M., Ferreira A., Lancellotti M., Stehling E.G., Campos T.A., Nakazato G., Pestana de Castro A.F. & Silveira W.D. 2006. Typing of avian pathogenic Escherichia coli strains by REP-PCR. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 26(2):69-73. Departamento de Microbiologia e Imunologia, Instituto de Biologia, Universidade de Campinas, Cx. Postal 6109, Campinas, SP 13081-862, Brazil. E-mail: In the present study the repetitive extragenic palindromic (REP) polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique was used to establish the clonal variability of 49 avian Escherichia coli (APEC) strains isolated from different outbreak cases of septicemia (n=24), swollen head syndrome (n=14) and omphalitis (n=11). Thirty commensal strains isolated from poultry with no signs of these illnesses were used as control strains. The purified DNA of these strains produced electrophoretic profiles ranging from 0 to 15 bands with molecular sizes varying from 100 bp to 6.1 kb, allowing the grouping of the 79 strains into a dendrogram containing 49 REP-types. Although REP-PCR showed good discriminating power it was not able to group the strains either into specific pathogenic classes or to differentiate between pathogenic and non-pathogenic strains. On the contrary, we recently demonstrated that other techniques such as ERIC-PCR and isoenzyme profiles are appropriate to discriminate between commensal and APEC strains and also to group these strains into specific pathogenic classes. In conclusion, REP-PCR seems to be a technique neither efficient nor universal for APEC strains discrimination. However, the population clonal structure obtained with the use of REP-PCR must not be ignored particularly if one takes into account that the APEC pathogenic mechanisms are not completely understood yet.

Colégio Brasileiro de Patologia Animal SciELO Brasil CAPES CNPQ UNB UFRRJ CFMV